Most people that encounter ETRdotTV have asked what the heck the letters stand for. Well, they can mean many things (but absolutely NOT ‘Express Toll Route’ – Ron registered our URL before that highway got its name). The concept originated as a planned Internet TV channel years ago (and it will become one too, you will see that in a couple years). The channel was intended to support founder Ron’s involvement with employee recognition programs through his prior company Magnacom. So in the beginning the letters stood for ‘Engagement Through Recognition’.
Now, the name has morphed into meaning Enjoy The Reward Television. We think that fits just about any scenario in business or private life. In other words, expend some effective effort and resources now, and there will be a payoff later. Perhaps the payoff is financial, or in time freed up or reduced future effort. And we telegraph the vision of that as well – hence the word Television does make sense in our name.
As far as the dotTV part, we always liked the idea of using the Internet’s Top Level Domain of .tv to complete the URL of a TV channel website. But here’s some trivia for you – and a trivia question too. The .tv domain was never intended to be anything to do with television. It was originally designated as a country TLD for a small island nation. The government of that country sold the rights to it back in the ’90s to a California company that figured they could sell website URL registrations with that domain. Now, contact us with the answer to this question: What country was it? The first 10 people to reach out to us with the correct answer will receive a $25 Bull and Barrel Pub gift card to use at Barrie Ontario’s best pub. If this offer is here on the website – it’s still good!